4.2.3 The Enumeration Algorithm

The Algorithm

We obtain a sound and complete enumeration algorithm for solved forms by putting these steps together in the following way:

  1. Apply redundancy elimination and parent normalization as long as possible.

  2. If there are still nodes with two incoming dominance edges, pick one and apply the Choice Rule once. Then continue with step 1 for each of the two resulting graphs.

  3. Otherwise, the graph either has a cycle or is in solved form.

Checking for Cycles

It is very easy to check whether a graph has a cycle: The standard algorithm for this is depth-first search. This check has to be performed once for each potential solved form. Because the algorithm has eliminated all nodes with more than one incoming edge by this time, we know that every graph that passes this final test is indeed a solved form.

Efficiency Issues

Each component of the enumeration algorithm is quite efficient, and even though it is very simple, the complete algorithm is one of the more efficient algorithms for enumerating solutions of underspecified descriptions. But because the Choice Rule has to make an uninformed choice, and it's quite possible that one of the two results is unsatisfiable, there is a possibility that our algorithm spends a lot of time failing, even if the input graph has very few solved forms. What's worse is that, if we're unlucky, we might explore the branches of the search tree that lead to unsatisfiable constraints first, and it might take a long time before we find even the first solution. This means that although the enumeration algorithm gives us a satisfiability test, it's by no means a very efficient one.

It's possible to write a special satisfiability test that runs very efficiently (in linear time); but this algorithm employs rather advanced graph algorithms that we can't discuss here. We can use this satisfiability algorithm in turn to guide the enumeration: Whenever we apply Choice, we can check both results for satisfiability, and if one of them is unsatisfiable, we don't need to spend any time at all on exploring the search tree below this constraint. Our algorithm above would have continued a fruitless computation on the unsatisfiable constraint, and only discovered the unsatisfiability in the very end. In effect, such an early satisfiability test can dramatically speed up the enumeration process.

Aljoscha Burchardt, Alexander Koller and Stephan Walter
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)