4.4 Exercise: Dialogue design using the CLT tool

Here is a very simple automaton which models the travel domain. The idea is that the system needs to find out the value of a number of pmeters in order to make a database search. You can ignore the database search for the time being, as we are interested in the dialogue only. The pmeters that the automaton inquires about are: departure city, destination city and departure time. These are the absolutely necessary pmeters that have to be specified before a database query can take place in this domain.

The current automaton responds to the user's initial greeting and greets the user in the end. The main body of the dialogue consists of the system inquiring about the parameters one by one and the user specifying them. There is a time limit of 400ms.

Open the automaton using the GUI of the CLT-tool. As you will realize at once, it is not a very sophisticated automaton, but it serves well to make you familiar with the CLT-tool. Run the tool in Wizard-of-Oz mode and go through the automaton.

Now try to extend the automaton to do the following:

  1. Ask for confirmation after every user input. (The recogniser must have at least two options.)

  2. Allow the user to correct any misunderstood input.

  3. Allow the user to give the destination instead of the departure city after the question ``Which city would you like to travel from?''.

  4. Allow the user to give both the departure and destination city after the question ``Which city would you like to travel from?''.

  5. Allow the user to ask ``What time is there a train that arrives at ten thirty?'' after the question ``What time would you like to leave?''. (Note that arrival time is not currently available at all.)

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)