2.1.9 Checking Models

Testing the model checker on examples.

exampleModels.pl: View Download

So, it's time to start checking models. Some examples of models over our original vocabulary can be found in the file exampleModels.pl. Each example model is assigned a number, so we can easily select any of them.

And here is a driver predicate which evaluates a formula in an example model (selected via its number):

modelChecker.pl: View Download


An example query looks like this: evaluate((love(peter,anna) & moron(anna)),1). Systematically test the model checker on our example models (download the files linked in Section 2.1.6). Are the results always as you expected? If not, why not?

Aljoscha Burchardt, Stephan Walter, Alexander Koller, Michael Kohlhase, Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)