11.2.4 Subordination

Definition of Subordination.

Let and be DRSs. Then subordinates only if one of the following conditions hold:

  1. contains a DRS-condition of the form B ' ;

  2. contains a DRS-condition of the form , for some DRS ;

  3. is a DRS-condition of some DRS ;

  4. contains a DRS-condition of the form or , for some DRS ;

  5. Some DRS subordinates , and subordinates .

It is important to realise that subordination is defined differently for and , although they are both two-place connectors in the DRS language.

Aljoscha Burchardt, Stephan Walter, Alexander Koller, Michael Kohlhase, Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)