3.3.4 Recursion


Now finally we come to the THEN-part in scan_state/2. It consists in calling scan_states/2 (plural!) on the Ds produced by the preceding setof/3-call. The scan_states/2-predicate recursively calls scan_state/2 (singular!) on every state on Ds:

  scan_state(A,S),              % scan state from state list
  scan_states(A,Ss).            % go to next state from state list

scan_states(_,[]).              % state list already emptied?

In our example, this means that the transition trans(a1,2,3,a) is copied to trans(a2,2,3,a). Then the next level of the recursion is entered by calling scan_states/2 again, this time on Ds=[3]. Now there are two transitions. This means that Ds will have two members: [2,4]. State 2 has already been processed, and state 4 for has no outgoing transitions. This indicates that a1 has been fully traversed and the next call to scan_states/2 should end the recursion.

How is this done? For state 2, the one that has already been processed, the first clause of scan_state/2 will succeed, because the database contains the entry state(cp(a1,b1),2) that was asserted when state 2 was processed for the first time. This means that no further recursive level will be entered. For state 4, recursion will end simply because setof/3 in scan_state/2 won't find any transitions and so Ds will be empty.

Finally notice that state 4 is the final state of a1. For this reason, the call to check check_final/2 in the second clause of scan_state/2 will not just trivially succeed. Rather it will really do something before it succeeds. Let's have a look at the code:

  final(A,S),!.                 % final states receive special treatment

check_final(_,_).               % non-final states: no processing necessary - just return true

The first clause contains a call to final/2. This predicate is again implemented differently for cp, intersection and union. Here's the clause for cp:


If S is a final state in the original A1, an according final state is asserted for the copy A2. In our example, the entry final(b1,2) will be asserted. For all non-final states, the above clause of final/2 will fail and the second clause of check_final/2 will succeed without any further actions.

Summing up, after running scan(cp(a1,b1)), the following will have happened:

That's a full copy of a1. Additionally, the database will contain the entries:


These were asserted in scan_state/2 as control information and can be retracted.

Kristina Striegnitz, Patrick Blackburn, Katrin Erk, Stephan Walter, Aljoscha Burchardt and Dimitra Tsovaltzi
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)