7.6 Exercises


Exercise 7.1

Download leftrec.pl , the left-recursive grammar that we already saw in the previous chapter. Can the left-corner recognizer cope with it? Why does it not have the same problems with it as the top-down algorithm?

Exercise 7.2

Now, download epsilon.pl , the grammar with the empty production that we have seen before, as well. Write a left-corner table for it. (Note: is a kind of terminal symbol.).

Exercise 7.3

[This is tricky] Turn the left-corner recognizer into a parser by adding an extra argument to collect the structure.

Hint: you have to add two arguments ParseIn, ParseOut to the predicate complete.

Kristina Striegnitz, Patrick Blackburn, Katrin Erk, Stephan Walter, Aljoscha Burchardt and Dimitra Tsovaltzi
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)