Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes

Information for Speakers

This page contains directions for first-time visitors to Saarbrücken.

Train Station ⇒ Hotel / Hotel ⇒ Campus


Hotel Leidinger

Hotel Madeleine

Train Station ⇒ Campus

If you take the train to Saarbruecken, you will arrive at the Hauptbahnhof (central train station). If you need to go to the university directly, please take the bus which departs from the combined bus/tram stop directly in front of the main station. Buses 102 (direction Dudweiler Dudoplatz), 111 and 124 (direction Universität) will take you directly to the university campus. A bus ticket can be obtained from the driver, and the bus ride takes about 15 min. Buses leave about every 15 minutes ( bus schedule, enter `Hauptbahnhof' in `Von' field, and `Uni Campus' in `Nach' field).

Of course it's also possible to take a taxi to the campus from either the train station or your hotel.

Getting to the Computational Linguistics Building

The institute is in buildings C7.1-C7.4. On the campus map, you can find the institute in yellow, at the bottom (we recommend printing the map). You can also see a picture of the building.

Once you have arrived at the institute, please contact your host (see your invitation). Please bring all tickets receipts (buses, taxis etc) with you. We will organise for you to be reimbursed.

Walking from Uni Campus bus stop

Buses 101 and 102 arrive at the Universität Campus bus stop. This bus stop is denoted by the small white-on-green "H" below the huge "A" in the middle of the map. From the bus stop, walk straight ahead in the direction of the bus (away from the main gate). You will come to a crossing with a green square at your left, and cash machine at your right (EC sign on the map). Turn right at this cash machine and walk straight ahead along building A5.4 (down on the map). After passing an (ex-)post office, you will finally reach Building C7.3 at the end of the road (there is a parking lot in front of it).

Walking from provisional bus stop

All other buses stop at a provisional bus stop near Building D2.1. Turn right when getting off the bus and walk down the street to your left. Continue straight ahead until you see the main entrance on your right (large gate). Turn left and walk past the steel sculpture at the roundabout. You now see the Campus bus stop; follow directions to the institute from there. Normally, you should be able to follow the students getting off the bus to get to the centre of campus.