Hans Uszkoreit

Forschungsseminar Dependenzgrammatik
Modelle, Induktion und Anwendung auf das Deutsche

Research Seminar Dependency Grammar
Grammatical frameworks, induction from corpora and application to German

Statt des angekündigten Seminars zur deutschen Satzstruktur biete ich in diesem Semester ein Forschungsseminar mit dem Thema: "Dependenzgrammatik - Modelle, Induktion und Anwendung auf das Deutsche" an. Diese Veranstaltung überlappt thematisch nur zu Teilen mit dem ursprünglich geplanten Seminar. Der Themenwechsel erklärt sich durch die Aktualität des neuen Themas in der computerlinguistischen Forschung einschließlich unserer eigenen Projekte.

Zeit:  Donnerstag 9-11 -

Raum:  Bau 17.2, Konferenzraum 2.11

Beginn:  Donnerstag, dem 19. April

Course Description:

In the last decade, dependency-oriented approaches to modelling grammar and grammatical processing have gained ground in international research.  In our research seminar, we want to investigate and discuss selected relevant lines of research and recent results stemming from various grammar models such as Link Grammar, Word Grammar, Functional Sentence Perspective and the framework of Starosta's.

We will look into ways of inducing dependencies from corpora and discuss work by Eisner, Collins and the NEGRA project.  In this context, we will present the Prague Dependency Bank and the NEGRA Treebank.  Finally, we will compare and discuss the application of dependency grammar to German syntax such as analyses of German sentence structure and word order by Heringer, Hudson and Uszkoreit.

The participants will be researchers and advanced students.  Prerequisite is a good knowledge of German syntax. Students should have successfully completed the courses "Introduction to Syntax and Morphology", "Grammar Formalisms" and "Grammatical Theory".  Students who are interested in taking the course for credit in lieu of a Hauptseminar should contact me for approval.

For tw oof the topics, we will invite the originators of relevant work as external lectures from abroad.  Most of the literature and discussion will be in English.  In justified cases, presentations may also be delivered in German.

Background Material

Special Announcements

Course Catalogue of the Department